Study on Thermal and Hydrodynamic Indexes of a Nanofluid Flow in a Micro Heat Sink

Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Mechanical Engineering Department, Shahrood University of Technology, Shahrood, Iran

2 Nanotechnology Research Center, Research Institute of Petroleum Industry (R.I.P.I)


The paper numerically presents laminar forced convection of a nanofluid flowing in a duct at microscale.
Results were compared with both analytical and experimental data and observed good concordance with
previous studies available in the literature. Influences of Brinkman and Reynolds number on thermal and
hydrodynamic indexes have been investigated. For a given nanofluid, no change in efficiency (heat dissipation
to pumping power) was observed with an increasing in Reynolds number. It was shown that the pressure was
decrease with an increase in Brinkman number. Dependency of Nu increment changes with substrate material.


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