
The peer review process in academic journals plays a central role in quality control for dissemination of scientific research and reviewers are the main players of this process. This page contains information for reviewers as to what is perceived as a good review.

Should I accept to review the manuscript assigned to me?

Before you accept to review the paper you have been invited to review, consider the following questions:

✓ Do you have time to give a thorough review in a timely manner?

 If you think you are in shortage of time to review the assigned manuscript within the timeframe given, the best practice is to decline the invitation.

✓ Do you have enough expertise in the subject of the paper to give a high quality review?

The ultimate objective of the peer review process is to select papers with high quality scientific research and you should accept to review a paper only if you are sure that you are able to provide helpful suggestions and comments regarding the merits and deficiencies of the work under your review.

✓ Do you think you may have a potential conflict of interest?

Double-blind peer review reduces the possibility for a conflict of interest between the authors and the reviewers of a manuscript. However, if you have personal or professional interests that may be in conflict with the content in the manuscript under your review, you should disclose it to the Editor in Chief.

How should I write a review report?

Your review report should focus on the scientific content in the manuscript. Demonstrate the added value of your scientific knowledge by making realistic comments and suggestions as to how to improve the scientific quality of the paper and overcome the shortcomings you have identified. Remember that your role as a reviewer is to guide the author on what can be done to make the manuscript under your review better as you see it.

Your recommendation to the Editor in Chief

Please make a clear recommendation as to how you classify the article:

Rejected: Explain in detail the reasons that you think the manuscript should not be published.

Accepted for publication without revision

Revisions Required: Explain in detail the revisions required, whether minor or major.